Cheese or Font
In Cheese or Font, the player must guess where a term is the name of a cheese or the name of a font. They have 5 mins to guess 50 different terms.
Formal Elements
Cheese or Font is primarily a game of trivia and knowledge, attempting to gauge the user’s knowledge of cheeses and fonts. However, it also uses deductive reasoning — can the user guess whether a term is a cheese or font, even if they have never heard of it? Finally, the game relies heavily on speed — the user must try to complete the task before them as quickly as possible, as their speed is nearly as important as their accuracy.
Possible Thumbnails
Using the exercises designed here, I have come up with a number of potential thumbnails for the game of Cheese or Font, as you can see below.
I noticed while designing these various thumbnails that proximity seemed to be important to convey which ideas are most associated with one another; for example, in my giant cheese I group the fonts together to demonstrate their relationship with the cheese. In my final various font thumbnail, the distance between “font” and “cheese” leads to a bit of confusion about their connotation. Although I may not have initially realized this, because I think about these two issues being in conflict, their juxtaposition actually helps draw attention to that conflict and let the viewer see what their choices will be.
Example of graphical interfaces
One game that I have always loved is the Helicopter Game, where users press up and down on the space bar to avoid obstacles with their helicopter. I think the game utilizes color in a fantastic way, drawing an intense contrast between the green blocks and the helicopter. Additionally, the more intense graphics of the helicopter helps draw a distinct contrast between your movements and the obstacles. While it may not be the most complex graphical interface of all time, I still think it’s appealing to the eye and allowed me to play for many, many hours as a child!